Privacy Policy

This page describes the cookie and personal data management policies that apply to this website.


1.  Cookie Policy

When visiting our site, we and/or authorised third parties may place cookies on your device (computer, mobile, tablet, etc.).

On this page, we provide you with information to help you better understand how these cookies work and how to configure them.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file deposited and saved on your device during your navigation on a website. It allows the storage of user data to ensure the functioning of the site and to facilitate and personalise navigation.


What cookies are placed on our site?

There are different types of cookies, each serving the purposes described below.


Cookies necessary for the operation of our site

These are biscuits that allow you to use the main functionalities of our site.

The placement of these biscuits does not require your consent as they are strictly necessary for the operation of our site and the provision of our services.


·Session on the site
Purpose: to remember the preferences of different visitors to the website.
Duration: for the duration of the browser session.


·Preferred language
Purpose: to display the website in the visitor's preferred language (if the website contains several languages).
Duration: 1 year.


Purpose: to display prices in the visitor's preferred currency.
Duration: 30 days


•Google hCaptcha
Purpose: to avoid spam
Duration: 1 year.
Supplier: Intuition Machine, Inc.


Third-party cookies

These are cookies placed by third-party partner companies. They are managed directly by the companies who publish them and who must also comply with data protection regulations.



Purpose: To record a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the website.
Duration: 1 year.
Supplier: Google.


Purpose: To record a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the website.
Duration: 24 hours.
Supplier: Google.



Purpose: Used by Google Analytics to monitor query rates.
Duration: 1 year.
Supplier: Google.


Please note: none of this information can be used to identify visitors as all data is anonymised.


How do I configure the placement of cookies on our site?


Setting cookies on our site

When you connect to our site, we display a cookie information banner:

- You consent to the placement of cookies in accordance with the information given in the banner by clicking on the "Accept all" button on the banner.

- You only accept the deposit of cookies necessary for the operation of the service by clicking on the "Accept selection" button in the banner.


You can accept or refuse cookies at any time by clicking on the "Cookies" button that appears in the bottom left-hand corner of every page on the site and then on the "Withdraw consent for cookies" button on the banner that appears.

Please note: necessary cookies cannot be refused as they are required for the operation of the site and the provision of our services. You are informed that if you refuse to accept cookies, your browsing and experience on the site may be impaired.


Configuring your browser software

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your terminal. Some settings may block certain functions of the websites you visit or disrupt your browsing experience.


Settings for your smartphone's operating system

You can control the deposit of Cookies on your smartphone in accordance with the rules of the operating system. Certain settings may block certain functions of the websites you visit or disrupt your browsing experience.


More information on cookies?

On the CNIL website :


2.  Personal data management policy

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