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Site Internet

La boussole


Publisher information

La boussole

SARL under French law with a capital of €200

Beziers B 983 332 982

Registered office address: 61 Rue de la Syrah, 34370 Maraussan, France

Telephone number: 04 67 62 28 16


Director of the publication

Pascaline GARNIER is manager of GARTHIV



Orange SA

SA with a capital of 10 640 226 396 euros

RCS Nanterre B 380 129 866

Registered office: 111, quai du Président Roosevelt 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux and domiciled for the purposes
for the purposes of this agreement: Business Unit Pro PME France - 1 avenue Nelson Mandela - 94745 ARCUEIL

Telephone number: 01 44 44 22 22


Applicable law

The website is governed by French law.

